
Ageing Without Limits

Our website is currently under construction, but please stay with us a while and learn more about our mission.
We Are Driving Real Change

Women over 40 deserve to own their brilliance

Our mission is to champion an inclusive society where age is celebrated. We shine a spotlight on the invaluable contributions of women over 40; promoting engagement, confidence, and a profound sense of belonging.

We Can't Do It Without You

We need you to help us create change, sign up here and let’s make it happen!

What Drives Us?

Our Purpose

We want to change societal norms. How do we do this?

By igniting a fresh perspective on ageing

Women over 40 have definitely evolved, but the ads targeting us haven’t caught up. They don't really understand us, so they make assumptions that just aren't true. Even though our life experiences and attitudes are changing, marketers still box us into outdated stereotypes, missing the mark time and again.

By highlighting the innate vibrancy and worth of the 'older woman’

The fashion and beauty industries often focus on younger crowds, leaving out the amazing women over 40 who bring so much life experience, confidence, and purchasing power. Even though these women are loyal and affluent customers, they often don't see themselves represented or engaged by brands.

By starting a transformation that will affect the generations to come.’

Women over 40 have so much to offer in terms of wisdom, experience, and insight. In an era where inclusion is key, too many of us still feel left out and marginalized. We deserve a seat at the table—and trust us, the party will be even better because we're there!

why this came about

Be Part Of The Revolution

We need you to help us create change, sign up here and let’s make it happen!